
CPT 307 Week 5 : Newbie to Newbie Blog Part One

For this assignment, we were once again tasked with making a blog post targeted towards a 'newbie' that is looking to pick up programming, specifically, with Java. Java has certainly proven to be less intuitive than Python, but is not entirely unapproachable. This week, we had to explain to our 'newbie' what the advantages are between the different types of data structures and how to choose the best algorithmic design for what they, as the programmer, are trying to accomplish.  To the uninitiated, programming and coding carries a stigma due to the fact that people refer to it as a language. Ostensibly, people make connotations with learning how to program and code as being as difficult as learning another human language. To be certain, there are new concepts and nuances to measure and master, but it isn't nearly as difficult as learning how to read, speak and write in an entirely new vocabulary. One of the major barriers of entry to programming ...

CPT 307- Week 1- Setting up Java

Installation of Java- A step by step guide Hello, fellow Programmers and classmates. The following blog will discuss what I, an amateur, have learned during my Java installation. Java installation can be effortless. However, due to the floods of information available and the vast options of IDEs and operating systems, the process can be daunting. At least it was for me. My goal here is to make things simpler for your next Java installation. First, understand that you will be downloading and installing the latest Java Development Kit or JDK. I suggest searching via google or your best choice of search engine for “What is the most current Java JDK?” An example of the result is as follow: Next, be decisive of what operating system and what integrated development environment (IDE) you will use. My suggestion is to work with what is familiar. In my circumstance I choose to go with IntelliJ developed by JetBrains because I have used PyCharm from the s...

Week 1 Interactive Assignment- Installing and setting up Java CPT 307

Installation of Java- A step by step guide Hello, fellow Programmers and classmates. The following blog will discuss what I, an amateur, have learned during my Java installation. Java installation can be effortless. However, due to the floods of information available and the vast options of IDEs and operating systems, the process can be daunting. At least it was for me. My goal here is to make things simpler for your next Java installation. First, understand that you will be downloading and installing the latest Java Development Kit or JDK. I suggest searching via google or your best choice of search engine for “What is the most current Java JDK?” An example of the result is as follow: Next, be decisive of what operating system and what integrated development environment (IDE) you will use. My suggestion is to work with what is familiar. In my circumstance I choose to go with IntelliJ developed by JetBrains because I have used PyCharm from the s...

CPT 304: Operating Systems Theory Concept Map Summary Blog Post

CPT 304: Operating Systems Theory Concept Map Summary Blog Post      During the time we spent in CPT 304 we reviewed a substantial amount of information spanning many aspects of Operating systems and their design. In order to start to understand operating systems we must first understand what operating systems do and what their purpose is. The three main purposes of an operating system are that it provides an environment for a computer user to execute programs on computer hardware in a convenient and efficient manner; it allocates the separate resources of the computer as needed to solve the problem given. The allocation should be as fair and efficient as possible; control Program that serves the function of supervision of the execution of user programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer as well as manage the operation and control of I/O devices.  Examples of Operating System Components are:  Accounting Error Detection Protection S...